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 Pop stars in the movies quiz

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3 participants
Philosophe 8 : Heidegger
Philosophe 8 : Heidegger

Nombre de messages : 10830
Age : 42
Localisation (Pays,ville,etc) : Drummondville, Centre-du-Québec
Date d'inscription : 10/02/2006

Pop stars in the movies quiz Empty
MessageSujet: Pop stars in the movies quiz   Pop stars in the movies quiz EmptyJeu 10 Mai 2007 - 0:32

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Monarque 2
Monarque 2

Nombre de messages : 7220
Age : 39
Localisation (Pays,ville,etc) : belgique
Date d'inscription : 07/06/2006

Pop stars in the movies quiz Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pop stars in the movies quiz   Pop stars in the movies quiz EmptyVen 25 Mai 2007 - 7:45

You scored 4 out of a possible 11
Pretty hep. You obviously don't have an undue prejudice against rock stars on-screen, but are shrewd enough to separate the good from the bad. All of which makes you a rounded individual (though not as rounded as the King in his later years)

people are not my cup of tea

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Egyptopithèque 1
Egyptopithèque 1

Nombre de messages : 55
Age : 49
Localisation (Pays,ville,etc) : Québec
Date d'inscription : 18/05/2007

Pop stars in the movies quiz Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pop stars in the movies quiz   Pop stars in the movies quiz EmptyVen 25 Mai 2007 - 10:52

You scored 7 out of a possible 11
Pretty hep. You obviously don't have an undue prejudice against rock stars on-screen, but are shrewd enough to separate the good from the bad. All of which makes you a rounded individual (though not as rounded as the King in his later years)

Elvis, Sinatra, Ross, Streisand, Eminem?! Strange mixe! Very Happy
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Pop stars in the movies quiz Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Pop stars in the movies quiz   Pop stars in the movies quiz Empty

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Pop stars in the movies quiz
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